First Up on the Agenda: Let’s Talk About Diversity

Good morning from overcast and “warm” Chicago!

Where will I be all day?  Talking about the importance of diversity!

I was invited to take part as a facilitator in the Association for Library Services to Children’s Day of Diversity:  Dialogue and Action in Children’s Literature and Library Programming, an all day symposium focusing on just what the title implies — Diversity in Children’s Lit & Library Programming.  There will be a Keynote, 3 panels, and 2 corresponding breakout sessions (one of which I’ll be co-facilitating) — I’ll give each major section a separate blog to come later in the evening or tomorrow morning.  An outline of our day and background on the need/guiding discussion going on in the community is linked here in case you’re interested or can’t wait for my report — It includes links to some really great reading regarding the topic of diversity in lit and libs.  I especially appreciated K.T. Horning’s article and Balderamma’s.

Upcoming Blogs to Look Forward To:

I also live-tweeted the event @lessalibrarian using #diversitymatters and #stepitup


Post-Conference Update —

My blogs were initially written for work, which is why they are fairly detailed with little commentary — I wanted to give people at home full access and room to make their own decisions.  Debbie Reese is doing a wonderful job of compiling blogs and thoughts from the day (in addition to her own), and I encourage you to check all of those out as well.  There is never enough time during these days to accomplish all we want to accomplish and make all of the action plans we want to make, but I hope that everyone walked away with at least a handful of actions for the next week, month, 6 months, and year.  I know I did.

3 thoughts on “First Up on the Agenda: Let’s Talk About Diversity

  1. Pingback: Day of Diversity Panel 2: Literacy Programming | Lessa Librarian

  2. Pingback: Day of Diversity Keynote: From Broken Yolks to Party Folks | Lessa Librarian

  3. Pingback: Day of Diversity Panel 3: Moving Into Action | Lessa Librarian

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